guy: "who is the special guy in your life?"
girl: "no one...this lady is single"
guy: "what?! why?!"girl: "why are you surprised?"
guy: "you don't need to be single, you are too good of a woman"
girl: "so why is being single a bad thing?"
So... apparently...single = bad; relationships = good. So society would have us think. And so saying one single is like a cuss word! Saying you're single brings up a ton of different responses, right? From the "don't worry, he's out there!" to the sad "poor thing" look some older women may give you as if there's no hope for you! Well let me tell you, you better cuss some people right back! You better tell them that it's better to be alone than with some loser right? And that every single one of them was single and some point and so to cut you some slack as you attempt to make some wise choices in your own life. You tell 'em! kindly as

P.S. - I'm glad to report that my friend from above did just this and she is now in a relationship she can write home about!