Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Long is Too Long?

Warning...this post may be tough love, but know I speak from a place of love for I too was a temper tantrum, pity party-thrower in my single days.

For a single person the waiting game is torturous and one can spend vasts amounts of energy wondering when the pain and/or loneliness will end. It's amazing the amount of time, thought, and sleepless nights we spend wondering when God will bless us with our One. I'm here to challenge you to put those thoughts in God's hands already! Give up your dream of a happily ever after, because let's be honest, you're not as in control as you think. And if you choose to try to be, rather than giving it over God, your 'happy ending' may really be your 'unhappy-what the heck did I get myself into?!' (and are you really willing to suffer the even more exhausting and painful process of a divorce?).

Many singles I speak with claim faith in God. And in the good times in their lives, God is exalted as being a pretty cool guy. But, singleness upon them, the story changes...bring on the temper tantrums and pity parties (I was quite the hostess of such parties as previously mentioned). We bemoan God's seeming inaction in our life and there goes our opinion of that cool Guy cause He apparently forgot about us.

The Bible tells us Noah took 120 years to build that monstrosity of an ark. 120 YEARS! That's more than a lifetime to us in this day and age! Yet, 120 years he spent being obedient, building an ark while people called him a fool, and waiting for that supposed rain that would flood the earth. 120 years he waited and trusted on what God promised, and as singles we struggle with a few months or years?! We become arrogant thinking we know what's best for us, when God is probably giving you some time to sort out the garbage in your lives in order to make you spouses who are not only worthy of that forever love you long for, but are strong enough and wise enough to endure the pains and hard times that kind of love will bring. Is marriage amazing? ABSOLUTELY! Is it perfect? NO! It's hard and you gotta work at it every day and that requires a lot of spiritual wisdom and a life completely surrendered to God because hubbies and wifeys are not perfect and they will let you down and sometimes they are unlovable and sometimes you will be unlovable and then what?

So my question long is too long? I long as it takes! And when the One comes along you will know them without a shadow of a doubt because you will see him/her through the spiritual eyes (wisdom) God has gifted you with and you-WILL-know.

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, ‘He who is coming will come and will not delay.’” Hebrews 10:36-37 (NIV)

PS - Here's a story of waiting that made me smile...she was 33 when she got married...I believe her wait was quite worth it!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do You Know This Guy?

I am the guy that walks on the outside of a sidewalk....
I am the guy that cooks dinner for her...
I am the guy that regrets hurting her...
I am the guy who knows which girl he wants....
I am the guy that's said, "Sex can wait."...
I am the guy that says "You're beautiful."...
I am the guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her...
I am the guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick...
I am the guy who has given her flowers just because...
I am the guy that said he would die for her...
I am the guy that really would...
I am the guy that did what she wanted to do...
I am the guy that cried in front of her...
I am the guy that she cried in front of...
I am the guy that holds hands with her...
I am the guy that kisses her with meaning...
I am the guy that hugs her when she's sad...
I am the guy that hugs her for no reason at all...
I am the guy who would give their jacket up....
I am the guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.....
I am the guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to be able to see her for ten minutes.....
I am the guy that would give his seat up....
I am the guy that just wants to cuddle....
I am the guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what...
I am the guy who told his secrets to her....
I am the guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath....
I am the guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
I am the guy that believed in her dreams.
I am the guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
I am the guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
I am the guy that walked her to her car.
I am the guy that wasn't just trying to get laid.
I am the guy that actually listened

I know this guy, he's in my life now, he's my hubby, my One, the one I waited for, my answered prayer. So, my prayer is that if you're a single lady you come to know and feel just how much God loves you. And THIS guy (the one described above) is the kind of guy that loves God and therefore knows how to love you just like THAT. Don't settle for anything less! And to the single men...are you THIS guy? ;-)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


As many of you know, I love running. Two nights ago my running watch that tracks all my runs went dud and died on me. I spent the next 3 hours sitting on my couch surfing the net for solutions to fix it while simultaneously comparison shopping for an upgrade on the watch...two days later and I'm still shopping around, not willing to commit to anything yet...what does this have to do with searching for the One?!

Maybe if you put as much time and thought into choosing who you date or say 'yes' to as you would into say...purchasing a car, a home, a new pair of shoes, that perfect dress, etc., you wouldn't be so quick to settle for the wrong person!

To the ladies...some of us wouldn't be caught dead outside without our hair 'did' and our makeup on, nor would we roll into some event where we know people will be checking us out without ensuring our outfit is killer! We may spend days, maybe weeks shopping for that perfect, figure flattering, figure enhancing outfit right?! So....why would we waste time on some guy who doesn't even meet our minimum expectations just because he's got the swag, dropped some pretty sweet lines that he's probably used a million times before, and is just sooo hot! - really? Is that enough to risk losing your heart to?

To the wouldn't drop cash on your latest electronic toy of choice (X-box, Playstation, iPad, etc.) without consulting your buddies, the internet, your mom (lol) and any other 'trusted' source. Soooo....why would you pursue a woman merely on her exterior? Do you not look under the hood of a car prior to purchase? Why not take time to see what her heart and soul are about before settling for mere looks that fade away and may leave you with the nagging, annoying, needy girlfriend/wife you swore you'd never have!

So singles...take time to do your research...marriage is too risky a lifetime investment to forgo taking the time to make the right decision on!

Wishing you success as you window shop!