The more I speak with singles entering dating relationships, the more I see a trend. Folks...we're dating as if we were still in high school! We're choosing partners based on superficial things: looks, car they drive, how they dress, money, how well they spit game on us - rather than choosing them for reasons that will ensure our relationships go the distance.
So, if you find yourself single and lonely and wanting companionship and longing for love don't just let any guy or girl into your life just because they're the one expressing interest and your ego and self-esteem are in need of a love boost. We all know how it will end. I'm still amazed at how surprised singles are when it does if they didn't/couldn't/wouldn't see it coming. If you're choosing whom you date based on surface level things, how can you expect to get the relationship you desire in the end? If you compromise in those areas you consider non-negotiables (faith, values, lifestyle) then don't be surprised when all you end up with is Unhappily Ever After.
In my opinion, these decisions can't wisely happen without us placing complete trust of our hearts and minds in God's hands. Many of us claim to do it, many of us though fail to live it out be showing patience and wisdom in our dating choices.
Psalm 32:8 - The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathways for your life. I will advise and watch over you.
I don't know about you, but that sounded pretty good (too good to be true?) to me when I first read it. If doing so meant gaining the best love I could ever imagine having then it was a risk worth taking. A risk I was finally willing to take (trusting fully in God rather than doing things MY way) and one that in the end paid off BIG TIME! Not just because I ended up in love and married, but because in doing so, I gave God control over ALL areas of my life and that meant I allowed Him to make me into the woman He had created me to be, to continue molding and shaping me, to live out my faith by relying solely on him, rather than a man. To rid me of attitudes and habits that would make me unlovable and selfish and prideful (an ongoing process) and in turn more humble, and willing, and selfless.
In the end, the person I became in God, is the woman my husband found himself attracted to. Not the focused on myself, my looks, my needs, my happiness woman I was before. He knew both women, didn't like the former me (and mind you, loves to tell folks about her) and as he also trusted in God, that patience paid off.
So the next time you're faced with the question, "Will you date me?" stop and think on those things you desire in the long run, rather than our culture's somewhat skewed view of living in the moment and going after what makes us feel good right now. It will ensure you don't end up heartbroken again. Better to figure it out now, then after you go and say "I do", to Mr. or Miss Oh So Wrong.