1. How long have you and Hilda been married?
We’ve been happily married 6 1/2 years.
2. How long did you date?
We dated for about 1 year and 2 months, and were engaged for about 10 months.
3. How did you know she was the One?
To be perfectly honest, it was NOT immediately. Hilda and I have a humorous love story, one that we love to share with others. We met at our local church in Orlando as teenagers. We were friends for many years, and even went through a period of time where we did not like each other...at all. We each had our own relationships with other people, and little did we know we were each critiquing each others boyfriend/girlfriend. Our friendship turned into one of caring for each other, but we were each too “Nuyorican” to express it to one another.
One August Friday evening in 2001, after not seeing each other all summer, we found ourselves both single at the same time. We both expressed to one another that we were single, and I kid-you-not, it was like a movie: the heavens opened up, and the angles started singing “hallelujah.” (not literally, but you get the dramatic emphasis) It was like God softened our hearts, and our true feelings for each other came out, and the rest is history. On that evening, we both just knew. I cannot really explain it, and I’m sure reading this makes absolutely no sense, but it’s a true story.
4. What personality traits or characteristics did Hilda have that confirmed to you at that time that she was the One?

I would be lying if I didn’t say that I found Hilda to be absolutely beautiful, and I still do today. I admired her hard work and work ethic, her passion, and her humor. We would always find a way to laugh and have fun. She has a sincere love for the Lord, and that was an important quality that I wanted in a wife, and future mother. All in all, she was the missing link in my life. Little did I know that these traits and characteristics would be used to fulfill the calling that God has given us to be church planters.
5. What was being single like for you pre-Hilda? Did you date a lot, or not so much, did you date for fun, or were you always on the search for the One?
Oh my, this is a tough question to answer as a guy. Pre-Hilda was an adventure and growing experience for me. I realize now that God was preparing me for such a time as this. I did date women, and had long-term relationships. I did search for the One, and I didn’t want to get married “old.” It’s not that I did anything stupid or irresponsible, it was just that “pre-Hilda” was a period of learning and growth for “forever with Hilda.”
6. How do you feel God continues to confirm that Hilda is the One for you?
While we have much in common, it is also true that opposites attract. Hilda and I share a strong passion for God and ministry. It’s an AMAZING feeling to be involved in front-line ministry along side the one you love. Yet, our differences and individual strengths also compliment our relationship. We have learned the importance and value of teamwork throughout our marriage, and that just fortifies our love. The expectation of our first child in the next few months has opened up a whole new level of our relationship, and we’re having totally new discussions. And as a result, our love for each other continues to flourish and grow.
7. Any advice you would give young singles searching for the One?
Single men: man up!!! This 21st century culture needs real men: men that love God; men that give good testimony; men that do not live double-lives; men that are responsible; men that help cultivate a Christian home; men that honor the humanity, dignity, and dreams of women; men that are recovering “machos.” Marriage is more than just the wedding night and the honeymoon. Marriage is a responsibility and a covenant. You want to find the One? Get your life on track first.
8. Where did God fit into that journey for you?
I find myself resonating with Psalm 124, because if the Lord had not been on my side, who knows what kinds of story I would be sharing today. I thank God that in both my low moments and high moments I clung onto Him, and I praise Him even more because He responded, continually displaying that He is faithful. In all my life successes, in all my accomplishments, and in all my experiences, if the Lord had not been on my side, they would have meant nothing. The journey I was on is not over. I am still on it! I just feel blessed to have the One, so we can walk it together.

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