Ladies, ladies....are you running around searching for Mr. Right? Have you stopped to ask yourself whether or not YOU'RE Ms. Right? Have you stopped and asked God what kind of woman God is wanting to mold you into during your time of singleness? We go around wasting time in relationships trying to change guys into being our ideal Mr. Right when in reality, if WE were Ms. Right we would know it's not our job to change the guys. It's not our job to demand that they become our perfect ideal and it's not their job to fulfill every fairytale dream we carry around in our hearts.
Being Ms. Right is knowing that whether or not you're in a relationship, you're right where God wants you to be. That a man doesn't define you, isn't solely responsible for your happiness and is not meant to fulfill every single need your life has. Being Ms. Right is finding fulfillment in the life that God has given you right at this moment, living in the here and now and not in the "what ifs" of the past or the uncertainties of the future. Being Ms. Right is about full dependence on God to be the giver of joy and filler of needs and independence from the unrealistic fairytale views of the world that have us believing that there is no life apart from a man.
Are you Ms. Right? I'll be posting a follow up on this and sharing my own story of discovering what it meant to be Ms. Right and not Ms. Searching for Mr. Right. Until then....I hope you begin reflecting on your thoughts, actions, decisions, and desires and see where you fall on this journey to being Ms. Right...if you so desire.

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