Great Reads While You 'Wait'
As I think back on my own journey that brought me to Bobby I have to stop and give much credit to the authors from whom I learned many a lesson. Although many church leaders will direct unmarried folks to the Bible as the source for the answers to all our questions concerning the search for the ONE...the reality is that reading the Bible on its own may not give you what you're looking for initially, it's all in there but we may need help 'getting it'. I know that for me, it really said nothing until I read it alongside Christian authors that helped bring a deeper meaning to what sometimes felt like heavy reading. Wisdom comes from God and really the only way to acquire it is through reading His Word. (Psalms 51:6 - Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts. You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.)Yet, let's be many times have you tried reading the Bible and were left thinking...what the heck does that have to do with finding THE ONE?!...yea I felt that way a lot until I started picking up some other books from other folks just like me, who at one time asked who the One was, and within those pages, the words of scripture began to unfold. Here's my list, I hope you check some, if not all, of these great reads out!
Boy Meets Girl - taught me to rethink how I dated, the guys I chose to date, and how I handled myself in relationships. Truly, it changed my perspective on dating, I realized I had it ALL wrong!
When God Writes Your Love Story - Fall in love with your first Lover....I'll blog about this later but it changed me from the inside out!
Lady In Waiting - what are you doing in the meantime, as you wait, or search, or whatever you want to call it, for the One? Stop 'waiting' and start living!
Every Young Woman's Battle - watch enough chick flicks, read enough romance novels, observe your friends in dating relationships and you could really get a warped view on what that all should look like. This book goes to the heart of the issue. Ladies are giving up too much, too fast for all the wrong reasons...find out why.
The Purpose Driven Life - this one is not a dating book but rather a book about Life as it could be. It shed a lot of light into how I was living pre-Bobby, and more importantly pre-The Big Guy, and helped me find TRUE purpose. Life hasn't been the same since!
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