The Bachelorette...ohh Jillian!
We interrupt this blog for an emergency post on this season's Bachelorette finale....WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?! Tonight my facebook blew up as friends and I commented throughout this 2 hour finale. It all seemed to be going along just like every other Bachelor/Bachelorette finale until Reid came back. Here is where I wanted to reach through my TV, lift Jillian off that stage (cause let's be honest, she weighs like 80lbs.) and have a little reality chat with her.My main issue was how she kept saying, "I don't know!" over and over and over again
as Reid was telling her how he loved her and wanted to marry her (and might I add as she was hugging all over that young man looking like she was about ready for another of her famous make-out sessions). Jillian....please see post on How Do You Know? cause I think you just didn't know! It appeared that her ultimate goals were a diamond ring and a marriage proposal and she was rushing through a process which although may bring big ratings for the network, may leave her broken hearted once again...time will tell. For Jillian's sake, I hope she proves me wrong and it all works out for her and Ed the green-short-shorts-bathing-suit-wearing-workaholic-leave-and-return guy she chose.In watching The Bachelorette through a lens of figuring out whether or not someone is the one I found Jillian making a lot of the same mistakes many of us girls make as we place pressure on ourselves to reach what we see as the end result...MARRIAGE (or is it the ring?). Perfect segue to what's to come...stay tuned!We now return to our regularly scheduled blog...
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