Ladies today I ask you to move and get out of His way. If you want to allow God to fulfill His purpose for your life you need to put your own personal agenda aside. Put faith and patience into action (instead of merely requiring it of others). If God created you, don't you think He had some idea for what He wanted your life to look like? I know this...He loves us. He wants to bless us. He wants us to be full of joy. He wants us to be loved. In the journey of finding the One, don't you think maybe, just maybe, he knows what you need. He knows what kind of man can give you "forever"? He has that man picked out for you? Yes he does!
I believe God answers us in 3 ways:
1. Yes.
2. Not Yet.
3. I have something better in mind.
So move girl. get out the way and let Him show you the beauty He has in store for you!

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