When I was in my mid 20s I would get asked all the time when I was going to settle down and get married. At the time I had a very active dating life and definitely loved the rush of 'falling in love' and yet with each relationship, deep down inside, I KNEW none of those guys could ultimately be the One. Why? Because I knew marrying them would make me 'unequally yoked' and what I desired out of a hubby (a man that loved God above all and had a true relationship with Christ) could not be achieved by simply dating them and hoping that they would see the light and come to know God and become that man. Very rarely does that happen. And although I surely wasn't living a Christ-centered life at the time, I knew that in the end I wanted the kind of marriage that could weather the tough times (since the odds are against marriages right?!), I wanted what my sister had, what my parents had, I wanted the happily ever after... and more importantly, the 'divorce is not an option' EVER after!
So I got serious about my own personal relationship with Christ (didn't happen over night, actually took about 2 years of getting rid of badly acquired habits and I'm still a work in progress!) and as I learned more about who God is, what love is and isn't I also discovered what qualities I really needed to look for in a guy in order to get my heart's desires. And so today I came across this great video, at times funny, at times in your face but it's on point! This pastor is single and he's straight up honest about reasons why...basically he refuses to settle and is willing to wait as long as it takes to led God lead him to the One. He is full of some great wisdom and here speaks straight truth about this whole 'unequally yoked' bit we hear all the time and want to ignore. If you're single, I hope it gives you a new perspective and challenges you not to settle on the wrong person in hopes of gaining your happily ever after!

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